Execute Apollo GraphQL Mutation in iOS

2 min readApr 26, 2022
Mutation in DNA.

Hello buddy, What's up.

This Article is very similar to previous article, and I woluld like to suggest you please follow this Article before reading this → Execute Apollo GraphQL Query in iOS.

**I want to go index page of this tutorial series.**

I assume that you have read the previous article → Execute Apollo GraphQL Query in iOS.

Basically mutation is very similar to Post request in rest API. Using mutation.

NOTE: → This article example is not available for public user (This is example for your Undestanding) Thankyou.

OK Lets Start.

This is 3 steps process only.

Step 1 →

First add your mutation into your Querry.graphql file.

Mutation Query.graphql

After adding your mutation in your Query.graphql file Hit Command+B or build your project.

After building your project your mutation API is created in API.Swift file.

It will looks something like this. this code generated based of my mutation.

Mutation in API.swift

STEP 2 → Writing API in LearningGraphQLAPI

For mutation you need to select this method

Remove publishResultToStore & queue parameater

Example of Mutation in LearningGraphQLAPI.swift file

Example of Mutation in LearningGraphQLAPI.swift file

STEP 3 →

In this step you can simply call the API method.

